Designing cost-effective intake and outfall systems that meet the toughest environmental standards

The primary purpose of a seawater intake system is to draw the required amount of seawater and transport it to the sump on land for further pumping. However, the seawater intake system involves two common environmental impacts on marine organisms due to impingement and entrainment.
Choosing the right intake line involves several parameters:
Identifying the right location for intake suction head and intake line route.
Process parameters, the most crucial, are TDS, TSS, and TOC.
The type of sea has a high impact on the cost of marine works.
Environmental considerations – a very important factor in choosing the plant’s location and its intake pipeline.
The cost of the suction head, marine lines and pump station can reach 35% of the total cost of the entire desalination plant.
IDE specializes in designing intake systems for thermal power, desalination, and process cooling systems. Our expertise includes:
Selecting the optimal seawater abstraction design based on process flow and requirements, seabed bathymetry, and system optimization.
Designing, selecting and specifying screening and piping systems, marine line cleaning systems, and seawater pumping systems for both vertical and horizontal pumps configuration with priming.
Proficiency in CFD modeling, recirculation studies, and environmental impact assessments for both seawater intake and outfall systems.
Designing both open and submerged intake systems in various configurations, including the option of seawater abstraction from beach wells for desalination plants.
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